Chocolate Epidemic

As we all move slowly into the beginning of the fourth quarter, the motivation of almost every student in LHS starts a drastic, sharp decline. Remember the days when you were able to push through to Gmod? Me too. But those days are in the past, as we all sit in our C mod classes, wondering why the day is passing so slowly. In addition to this, May is just around the corner… and we all know what that means! Senioritis is at its peak at the high school, as the motivation of the Seniors drops below zero and going to school is an afterthought. The problem is that senioritis, like any bad virus, spreads like wildfire, and even I can say, at the ripe age of 16 in my Sophomore year, that I undoubtedly have senioritis. Now, there is something that has been really carrying me, as well as many others through these tiresome days.

The anecdote for preterm senoritis if you will: World’s Finest Chocolate

A Relay for Life team led by Courtney Bottenhorn has been selling these babies for a dollar all around school, flavors ranging from dark chocolate to crisp and almond. Whether or not the chocolate lives up to its name “World’s Finest” or not, we’ll never know. Anything tastes good when you’re miserable, and many need that pick-me-up right around E Mod. Bottenhorn and her team seem to know this pretty well, as they plow through boxes of chocolate week by week.

The added benefit is that the money is donated to the Relay for Life, which works with the American Cancer Society. That’s what you’ll tell yourself when you buy your 6th bar of the week, just to ease the guilt a little.